



Método de Gauss-Jordan, Ecuaciones de Rectas y Planos en R3 para Niños
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Yermahin Carreño



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Método de Gauss-Jordan, Ecuaciones de Rectas y Planos en R3 para Niños

Here is the summary formatted as requested:

• The document covers different types of equations for lines and planes in R³ space.
• It explains vector, parametric, and symmetric equations for lines in 3D.
• The Gauss-Jordan elimination method is demonstrated for solving systems of linear equations.
• An example problem involving ages in a family is solved using a system of linear equations.
• GeoGebra is used to verify solutions to the linear systems.



Formulating the Linear System

This section shows how to translate the given problem into a system of linear equations. It demonstrates the process of assigning variables and creating equations based on the problem's conditions.

Vocabulary: Variables are assigned to represent unknown quantities (in this case, ages), and equations are formed to represent the relationships between these variables.

Example: The system of equations derived from the problem: x + y + z = 80 z + 22 = (x + 22) / 2 y = x + 1 Where x, y, and z represent the ages of the mother, father, and daughter respectively.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Solving the Family Age Problem

The page demonstrates the process of solving the family age problem using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method. It shows how to manipulate the equations to create a standard form suitable for matrix operations.

Highlight: The original equations are rearranged to have all variables on the left side and constants on the right, forming a standard system for matrix representation.

Example: The rearranged system: x + y + z = 80 -x + 2z = -22 -x + y = 1

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Gauss-Jordan Elimination for the Family Problem

This section applies the Gauss-Jordan elimination method to solve the system of equations derived from the family age problem. It shows the step-by-step matrix operations to reduce the augmented matrix to row echelon form.

Highlight: Each step of the elimination process is clearly shown, demonstrating how to systematically transform the matrix to obtain the solution.

Vocabulary: Row operations such as multiplication and addition are used to manipulate the matrix into its reduced form.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Verification of the Family Problem Solution

The final page shows the verification of the solution using GeoGebra. It demonstrates how to input the augmented matrix and obtain the reduced row echelon form to confirm the manually calculated results.

Example: The GeoGebra screenshot shows the input matrix: [1 1 1 | 80] [-1 0 2 | -22] [-1 1 0 | 1] And the resulting reduced row echelon form, confirming the solution.

Highlight: The use of computational tools like GeoGebra provides a quick and reliable way to verify solutions to linear systems, reinforcing the importance of technology in mathematical problem-solving.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Verification Using GeoGebra

This section shows how to use GeoGebra, a mathematical software, to verify the solution obtained through the Gauss-Jordan method. It emphasizes the importance of using computational tools to check mathematical results.

Example: The GeoGebra screenshot displays the input matrix and the resulting reduced row echelon form, confirming the manually calculated solution.

Highlight: Computational tools like GeoGebra provide a quick and reliable way to verify solutions to linear systems.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Parametric and Symmetric Equations of Lines

The page explains how to derive parametric and symmetric equations for lines in R³ space. It shows the relationship between vector and parametric forms.

Example: Given a vector (v₁, v₂, v₃) and a point P₀(x₀, y₀, z₀), the parametric equations of a line passing through P₀ and parallel to the vector are: x = x₀ + tv₁ y = y₀ + tv₂ z = z₀ + tv₃

Vocabulary: Symmetric equations of a line express the line in terms of the segments it determines on the coordinate axes.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Intersection of Planes and Linear Systems

This section discusses how the intersection of two non-parallel planes in R³ forms a line, which can be expressed as a system of linear equations. It then introduces a problem-solving exercise using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method.

Highlight: Two non-parallel planes intersect to form a line in R³, which can be represented by a system of linear equations.

Example: The problem presents a system of three linear equations to be solved using the Gauss-Jordan method: x + 2y + z = 2 4x + 6y - 2z = 0 x - y + 2z = 2

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method

The page demonstrates the step-by-step application of the Gauss-Jordan elimination method to solve the given system of linear equations. It shows the matrix operations performed to reduce the augmented matrix to row echelon form.

Vocabulary: The Gauss-Jordan elimination method is a systematic procedure for solving systems of linear equations by transforming the augmented matrix into reduced row echelon form.

Highlight: Each step of the elimination process is clearly shown, with the final result yielding the solution to the system.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Application of Linear Systems in Problem Solving

The page introduces a practical application of linear systems in solving real-world problems. It presents a problem involving the ages of family members and demonstrates how to translate the problem into a system of linear equations.

Example: A family problem is presented where the ages of a mother, father, and daughter need to be determined based on given conditions.

Highlight: The problem-solving process involves defining variables, identifying conditions, and formulating equations based on the given information.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Different Types of Equations for Lines and Planes in R³

This section introduces various ways to represent lines and planes mathematically in three-dimensional space. It covers vector equations, parametric equations, and symmetric equations for lines in R³.

Definition: A vector equation of a line uses a point on the line and a direction vector parallel to the line.

Highlight: Two points or one point and a vector are needed to define a line in 3D space. Any vector parallel to the given line can serve as its direction vector.

Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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Desarrollo de los ejercicios
Conceptualización de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales, rectas y planos:
Diferentes tipos de ecuaciones para la r


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