



Leyes de la Termodinámica: La Primera y Segunda Ley, Ejemplos y Fórmulas Divertidas
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María Victoria Sarmiento-Pérez Pardo



5 Seguidores


Leyes de la Termodinámica: La Primera y Segunda Ley, Ejemplos y Fórmulas Divertidas

• The document covers the laws of thermodynamics, including the zeroth, first, second, and third laws.
• It explains key concepts such as enthalpy, specific heat capacity, and system boundaries in thermodynamics.
• The text provides definitions and formulas related to enthalpy and specific heat capacity.
• Two example problems are presented, demonstrating calculations for enthalpy change of solution and specific heat capacity.
• The content is aimed at students studying thermochemistry and thermodynamics.



Enthalpy and Specific Heat Capacity

This page delves into the concepts of enthalpy and specific heat capacity. Enthalpy is described as a property of substances related to energy exchange with surroundings. It is emphasized that enthalpy is a state function, meaning it depends on the values of properties, not the path taken to reach them. The page also introduces the concept of specific heat capacity and provides the formula for calculating heat energy.

Vocabulary: Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy that must be applied to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.

Example: The formula for heat energy is given as Q = m · Cs · ΔT, where Q is heat, m is mass, Cs is specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

Two systems in equilibrivon with a third
system are in thermal equilibrium with


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Thermodynamics Problem Solving

This page presents two practical problems related to thermodynamics. The first problem involves calculating the enthalpy change of solution for lithium chloride when added to water in a calorimeter. The second problem requires calculating the specific heat capacity of iron based on heat transfer and temperature change. Both problems demonstrate the application of thermodynamic principles and formulas in real-world scenarios.

Highlight: To solve for a variable in thermodynamic formulas, it is necessary to have at least three known variables.

Example: In the iron specific heat capacity problem, the formula Q = m · Cs · ΔT is rearranged to Cs = Q / (m · ΔT) to solve for the specific heat capacity of iron.

Two systems in equilibrivon with a third
system are in thermal equilibrium with


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Laws of Thermodynamics

This page introduces the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. The zeroth law establishes the concept of thermal equilibrium. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is conserved and can change forms but cannot be created or destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics deals with entropy, stating that the entropy of an isolated system always increases. The third law relates to entropy as temperature approaches absolute zero. The page also introduces basic thermodynamic concepts such as system, surroundings, and universe in the context of energy and mass transfer.

Definition: A system in thermodynamics is an imaginary boundary that shows the frontier where mass and energy can enter or exit the area of study.

Highlight: The universe in thermodynamic terms includes both the system under study and its surroundings.

Two systems in equilibrivon with a third
system are in thermal equilibrium with


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