



Curso de Inglés: Presente Simple y Actividades Divertidas
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Curso de Inglés: Presente Simple y Actividades Divertidas

• The document covers organizing a healthy habits exhibit to promote healthy habits at school
• It focuses on topics like presente simple en inglés ejemplos, verbos en presente simple en inglés, and presente simple como futuro ejemplos
• Key grammar points include present simple, presente continuo, and wh questions
• Vocabulary topics include free time activities, food, celebrations, clothes, and personal care
• The material aims to teach students about healthy habits through English language learning



Free Time Activities Mind Map

This page presents a mind map of free time activities, categorizing them into different groups such as sports and music. It serves as a visual aid to help students remember and organize various leisure activities in English.

Highlight: The mind map includes activities like skiing, basketball, listening to music, dancing, and singing.

Vocabulary: Sports mentioned include tennis and football (soccer).

9 7 7
Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Spanish Translation

This page provides a Spanish translation of Jairo's letter, helping students understand the content in their native language. It serves as a tool for comprehension and comparison between English and Spanish expressions.

Highlight: The translation allows students to see how ideas are expressed differently in English and Spanish, reinforcing their understanding of both languages.

Example: "Estoy muy emocionado por lo que va a pasar" (I'm very excited about what's going to happen).

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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Letter Writing Practice

This page continues the letter writing activity, showing the full text of Jairo's letter. It discusses his feelings about the future, his ambition to become a pilot, and his concerns about financing his studies.

Quote: "I'm very excited about what's going to happen. I know everything will change, but I'm also a little nervous."

Vocabulary: Key phrases include "looking for friends", "feeling like I am about the future", and "worried because it's so expensive".

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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Free Time Activities

This page continues listing free time activities in English and Spanish. It includes both indoor and outdoor activities like dancing flamenco, yoga, having parties, singing, and snorkeling. The page also contains questions to engage students in discussing their activity preferences.

Example: Sample questions include "What do you prefer, indoor or outdoor activities?" and "What are your favorite activities? Why?"

Vocabulary: Additional activities mentioned are origami, acting, listening to music, sightseeing, and visiting museums.

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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Present Simple Tense

This page focuses on teaching the present simple tense in English. It provides conjugation tables for affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms of the verb "play" in present simple. The page aims to help students understand the structure and usage of this fundamental tense.

Definition: The present simple tense is used to describe habitual actions, general truths, and scheduled future events.

Example: Affirmative: "I play", Negative: "You do not play", Interrogative: "Does she play?"

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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Writing Activity

This page presents a writing activity where students are asked to read a text and answer comprehension questions. The text is a letter from a student named Jairo Suárez discussing his thoughts about the future and career aspirations.

Example: Questions include "Who is Jairo Suárez?" and "What is his main ambition?"

Highlight: The activity encourages students to practice reading comprehension and formulate responses using the present simple tense.

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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Organizing a Healthy Habits Exhibit

This page introduces the main topic of organizing a healthy habits exhibit to promote wellness at school. It outlines the key language points that will be covered, including presente simple en inglés ejemplos, wh-questions, modal verbs, and adverbs of frequency. The page also lists vocabulary topics like free time activities, food, celebrations, and personal care.

Vocabulary: Free time activities mentioned include travelling, skiing, dancing, painting, basketball, skydiving, horse riding, flying kites, and playing computer games.

Highlight: The aim of the exhibit is to raise awareness about the importance of healthy habits among students.

9 7 7
Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Present Simple Practice

This page provides practice exercises for students to apply their knowledge of the present simple tense. It includes fill-in-the-blank sentences and questions about daily routines and habits.

Example: "What time do you watch TV?" "Santiago doesn't watch TV. He watches TV at 6 o'clock."

Highlight: The exercises reinforce the correct usage of third person singular forms and question formation in the present simple.

9 7 7
Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Future Simple Tense

The final page introduces the future simple tense with "will". It presents the structure and conjugation of this tense in affirmative and negative forms.

Definition: The future simple tense is used to talk about actions or states that will occur in the future.

Example: Affirmative: "I will play", Negative: "I will not play".

9 7 7
Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Present Simple Rules

This page delves deeper into the rules of forming the present simple tense, particularly focusing on the third person singular form. It explains when to add -s, -es, or -ies to verbs in the present simple.

Example: Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -o add -es (e.g., miss → misses, watch → watches).

Highlight: The page also covers irregular verbs like "have" which becomes "has" in the third person singular.

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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
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AIM: Prom


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Organizing a heathy!
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How to raise awareness on the importance of
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AIM: Prom


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Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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Feb 8/2022
Organizing a heathy!
habits exhibit
How to raise awareness on the importance of
having heathy habits.
AIM: Prom


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