



25 Daily Routines in English: Examples and PDF
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manuela leal guacary



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25 Daily Routines in English: Examples and PDF

• The document outlines daily routines and activities in English, focusing on weekdays, weekends, and vacations.
• It includes examples of actions performed and not performed during different times of the day and week.
• The text incorporates color-coded verbs and linking phrases to enhance understanding.
• Personal goals and future plans are briefly mentioned, including educational and business aspirations.
• The document concludes with sample questions about the routines described.



Weekend Activities and Contrasts

The final page elaborates on weekend activities and contrasts them with weekday routines. It provides 20 oraciones de rutinas diarias en inglés y español by listing actions performed and not performed on weekends. This section effectively demonstrates the use of affirmative and negative statements to describe routines.

Example: "I wake up at 9:00am" (weekend) contrasted with "I don't get up at 2:50am" (weekend, compared to weekday routine).

Highlight: The text emphasizes the differences between weekday and weekend routines, showcasing how daily habits change based on work and leisure time.

•—my Routine.
Name: Manuela leal Guacary
File: 2501517
Color Codes
(verbs in the affirmative and neg


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Sample Questions and Morning Routine Details

This page presents a set of questions based on the previously described routines, serving as 10 preguntas sobre la rutina diaria en inglés. It then provides a more detailed breakdown of the morning routine from Monday to Friday, including specific times for each activity.

Example: "What time do you arrive at the Sena?" and "Where do you go when you travel with your family?"

Vocabulary: Transmilenio - Bogotá's bus rapid transit system, mentioned in the context of not using it to commute to SENA.

•—my Routine.
Name: Manuela leal Guacary
File: 2501517
Color Codes
(verbs in the affirmative and neg


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Daily Routines and Activities

This page introduces a written activity about daily routines, presented by Manuela Leal Guacary. The text is color-coded to highlight verbs in affirmative and negative forms, as well as linking words and useful phrases. The content focuses on rutinas diarias en inglés y español, providing a detailed account of weekday mornings and afternoons.

Example: "From Monday to Friday, I always get up at 2:50 am, I make my bed and go down to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath."

Highlight: The text emphasizes the importance of routine and structure in daily life, showcasing a typical weekday schedule from waking up to arriving at SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje).

•—my Routine.
Name: Manuela leal Guacary
File: 2501517
Color Codes
(verbs in the affirmative and neg


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Evening Routines and Weekends

This section continues with evening routines on weekdays and introduces weekend activities. It provides rutinas en inglés ejemplos for nighttime habits and contrasts them with more relaxed weekend schedules. The text demonstrates the use of negative forms to express actions not typically done on weekends.

Vocabulary: SENA - Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (National Learning Service), an important educational institution in Colombia.

Example: "On weekends I don't study, so I get up at 10:00 am, have breakfast and help my mom to do my job."

•—my Routine.
Name: Manuela leal Guacary
File: 2501517
Color Codes
(verbs in the affirmative and neg


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Vacation Activities and Personal Goals

This page covers vacation routines and personal aspirations. It offers ejemplos de mis vacaciones en inglés, detailing common family vacation destinations and activities. The section also includes a brief list of current actions aimed at achieving personal and professional goals.

Quote: "On vacations with my family, we have 3 destinations: Meta, Tolima or Huila. We usually go in December or beginning of the year."

Highlight: The text showcases the author's ambition and determination, mentioning studying for a technologist degree, saving for college, and starting an online clothing store.

•—my Routine.
Name: Manuela leal Guacary
File: 2501517
Color Codes
(verbs in the affirmative and neg


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