



Ejemplos y Ejercicios del Presente Perfecto en Español y en Inglés
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Ejemplos y Ejercicios del Presente Perfecto en Español y en Inglés

• The Present Perfect Tense is used for actions in the past without specifying when they occurred, actions with a present result, and ongoing actions from the past.
• The structure includes "have/has" + past participle for affirmative sentences, with negative forms using "haven't/hasn't".
• Interrogative sentences start with "Have/Has", followed by the subject and past participle.
• Key words used with Present Perfect include "ever" for questions about experiences, "never" for negative experiences, and "just" for very recent actions.
• The tense is useful for discussing experiences and recent events with current relevance.



The Present Perfect Tense

This page provides a comprehensive overview of the presente perfecto en español and its English equivalent. It explains the structure and uses of the Present Perfect tense, which is crucial for expressing past actions with present relevance.

The estructura del presente perfecto is outlined clearly. For affirmative sentences, it follows the pattern of subject + have/has + past participle. For example, "I/you/we/they have worked" or "He/she/it has worked". The negative form uses "haven't" or "hasn't" before the past participle.

Example: "I have been to England" demonstrates an affirmative use of the Present Perfect.

The page also covers the interrogative form, which inverts the auxiliary verb and subject: "Have I/you/we/they worked?" or "Has he/she/it worked?". Short answers are provided as well, such as "Yes, I have" or "No, he hasn't".

Highlight: The Present Perfect is used for actions in the past without mentioning when they occurred, actions with a result connected to the present, and actions that started in the past and continue to the present.

Key words associated with the Present Perfect are introduced. "Ever" is used in interrogative sentences to ask about life experiences, "never" for negative experiences, and "just" for very recent actions.

Example: "Have you ever seen this film?" illustrates the use of "ever" in questions about experiences.

The page concludes with examples of how to use "just" in the Present Perfect, emphasizing its role in describing very recent actions. This comprehensive explanation provides learners with a solid foundation for understanding and using the Present Perfect tense effectively.

The Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect uses and structure to
Sentences Structure
Uses of the Present Perfect
use the Present Perfe


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